Thursday 28 April 2011

Easter Holidays

They sped by filled with sunny days and lazy mornings. We did visit London on Wednesday 20th to see Changing the Guards at Buckingham Palace. It was so busy that it was difficult to move in front of the palace, across the road there was a bit more space. We did struggle to see what was going on, but eventually we caught a glimpse of the Guardsmen as they left the palace Courtyard. Later in the day we ate our picnics in St James Park before going to see the Abbey (it was shut!) so we enjoyed the view and the gift shop instead. I managed to find a couple of teaspoons commemorating the wedding and a fridge magnet.
Easter Weekend we spent in dorset having fun Easter egg hunting and spending time with the family.
This week I have celebrated my birthday - with a delicious homemade Gluten and Dairy-free Chocolate and Cherry Victoria Sandwich so Em could eat it too.

6 oz/175g Dairy-free spread (vitalite)
6 oz/175g Castor sugar
3 large eggs
6 oz/175g Gluten free self raising flour (Doves)
1/2 teaspoon GF baking powder.
2 oz/50g Glace Cherries
2 oz/50g GF/DF chocolate drops (use chopped chocolate buttons if not drops available)

1. Cream the fat and sugar 'til fluffy.
2. Add the egg whisk in until mixed (if the mix separates add a spoon of flour)
3. double sift the flour then add to the mix using a metal spoon to mix don't beat it, just mix in by doing two cross cuts and then stirring the bowl. keep repeating until all the flour has disappeared into the mix
4. Add the chocolate drops and cherries, mix in.
5. Pour mixture into a large lined loaf tin
6. Bake at 170 Celsius for 40 minutes.
7. Test with a skewer to ensure cooked throughout.
8. Leave to cool on rack after cooking
9. Once cool decorate with icing and enjoy.


  1. The Easter holidays were always my favourite ones.

  2. Hi Jane, hope you are doing well! I like the looks of that cake. Our weather is not the greatest, really windy and dusty. I guess London would have been crazy with the royal wedding happening.
