Saturday 16 March 2013


Whether the weather be fine,
Or whether the weather be not,
Whether the weather be cold,
Or whether the weather be hot,
We'll weather the weather
Whatever the weather,
Whether we like it or not!

It's been a funny old week. On Monday it snowed all day but didn't lay properly 'til 6pm, by 9.30pm we had been notified by school that Tuesday would be a snow day.

We spent it wrapped up cosy at home, I was busy knitting, Em was doing art work and Tony was working from home. Late morning the sun came out and melted all the snow. 

Wednesday was back to normal but we had an activity day at school, this meant that some students were out on trips to Brighton, Goodwood Sculpture Park, Arundel, London - Love Through the Ages Poetry conference, Lion King and Solihul to visit Landrover. Others were taking part in school based activities: Business enterprize day, Disability Awareness and coursework catch-up for the year 11's.

Friday was comic relief dress up in the 1980's - Most of the staff were in costume and students came in 1980's costume or home clothes.
Knitting completed this week for Easter decorations are two sheep from Jean Greenhowe's Christmas Special booklet. Having made the cream one I had to try something different, so mimicking the sheep of the South Downs I made one with black face and legs, then for a change used some oddments of King Cole Splash so sheep looks as though she has been touched by the rainbow.

Finally tomorrow would have been my Grans birthday, she died in 1991 but I still think of her often, she taught me how to knit, she spent many hours knitting beautiful cardigans for me to wear to school and at home. She was a very skilled knitter and could knit a pair of sock for my father quite quickly. She once showed me how to unravel an old hand knit sweater to gently steam the curly wool straight again for knitting, how to lengthen the sleeves on a jumper, to knit an outfit for my doll as part of my primary school needlework classes. She stopped knitting when her eyesight began to fail due to the muscle in her eye not working properly. I also love, crochet and sewing which my Mum taught me. I taught myself how to cross stitch from books borrowed from the library.

Hope you have a good week Jane xx


  1. Having a knitting legacy like that from your Grandmother and mother is such a special and priceless gift. Also - your sheep are adorable!

  2. My paternal grandmother taught me to knit too. I'm not sure why, but she didn't teach my cousin--perhaps the cuz wasn't interested.
    What cute sheep!
    With your poem, I am reminded for Christopher Robin who didn't care what the weather was as long as he was out in it.
