Saturday, 8 May 2010

Time flies when you are having fun!

Goodness where has the time gone! Easter was yesterday.... wasn't it? I have been busy cross stitching for a swap with a fellow guider, it is to commemorate the centenary/100 years of Girlguiding and she is making a quilt of squares which 100 of us have decorated. Em has been busy in food tech creating salads this one was made using cheezley, continental lettuce, yellow pepper, cherry tomatoes, apricots and cashew nuts dressed with a mix of Balsamic vinegar and olive oil. It was delicious and disappeared very quickly.
Last weekend - 1st May was a holiday on the Monday, so the Guides, Rangers, Scouts and Explorers were taking part in a joint camp at the local National Trust House - Petworth Park.
The Saturday was lovely bright, dry and occasionally sunny with lots of activities to do. Zorbing, Kayaking, rafting, zipwire and craft activities. on the Sunday it poured with rain but there was stillplenty to do; rock climbing, abseiling, zip wire, rafting, Kayaking, drumming, glass engraving, sweet making, candle making, decorating pencil cases with fabric pens, pyrography and Radio shack. The girls had a wonderful time and went home tired and happy on the Monday.
At the moment I am recovering from a nasty throat infection which left me without a voice yesterday. :-)
Hope you have a good week Jane x