Saturday, 31 August 2013

Summer Holidays 2013 Part 1

The year has ticked by and been filled with lots of activity so my little blog has suffered, once school starts I am back full time and spare time is precious. So I will give you a flavour of what this year has contained so far since Easter break.  On the May Bank Holiday weekend the Guides and Scouts went off for their usual camp accompanied by the Rangers, Explorers and Network.
We had a beautifully dryish weekend and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, which was a huge improvement on last years weather.
We visited the RHS Wisley Garden again to see the Rhododendrons and Azaleas in full bloom which was beautiful and surprisingly fragrant.
During the month of May we visited The Shard in London, which gave us spectacular views of the whole of London as far as the eye could see and it was a lovely clear day.

Early June one warm sunny friday evening we bought fish and chips and drove up to the downs to enjoy the view, we found a few wild orchids in flower and in the distance could see Cissbury Ring

late June we visited Warner Brothers Studio where the Harry Potter films were made near Watford London

There was so much to see it was a struggle to fit it all into the 3 1/2 hours but we loved it all and would love to go back again.
The great hall with the models of the teachers and their costumes

Harry and Ron's dorm

Magic over muggles sculpture from the Ministry of Magic

Harry's Aunt and Uncles house in Privet Drive

Diagon Alley

It was incredible to see so many of the items from filming together with so many sets or parts of them. above is the model of Hogwarts used for scenes of the castle.


Blond Duck said...

Ya'll have been busy! I'm glad you've been doing well!

LauraRN said...

What a wonderful trip-- and the Harry Potter exhibits look like great fun. And I hope the good times continue!!!

Willow said...

You have had a busy time this year! I would have thoroughly enjoyed that visit to Harry's world. I hope you'll have a bit of time to keep up the blog writing this school year. Miss your posts.

Ivan said...

It sounds like you've had a wonderful and eventful year.