There hasn't been much to write about recently, (household chores and washing our cars doesn't count!) but this end of the week has been busy. On Friday approx 950 students and 90 staff from our school did a sponsored walk of 8 miles!

There were only a few injuries and they were mostly blisters and twisted ankels. Thankfully the day was mostly dry and cool although the sun did come out after lunch, by which time over half of the walkers had returned to school and were relaxing in the shade. We don't yet know how much we've raised, but all the money is going to be used to buy materials for new classrooms in our group of partner schools in Kenya. Many of the schools we are supporting have only mud huts and they leak during the rains. They don't have desks, books, pens, pencils, rulers etc. Things we take for granted like toilets are holes or trenches in the ground. So the money raised will make a big difference to these children and their teachers in Kenya, by providing them with permenant classrooms and proper toilets.

Saturday we spent running the Coconut Shy with the Guides at the Village Fete. It was a hot sunny day with big crowds out enjoying the fete, the Guides worked hard and raised lots of money, approx £80 which they are donating to the Moorfields Lions Eye Centre in Ghana. Moorfields uses the money to save childrens eyesight in Ghana. Today is a rest day for our sore feet, but I've plenty of stitching to do as three of our teachers from the English department are moving on to pastures new at the end of July. I will post pictures of the finished stitching later in July. Mum's batch of Elderflower cordial was (and still is) delicious, I froze some of the cordial in ice-cube bags for later in the year. I hope you have a lovely weekend. Jane x